The Monday Roundup: Uber’s big Jump, crash journalism 101, calling BS on Mercedes Benz ad, and more
Sponsored by the Cycle Oregon Weekender Ride (July 13-15).
All the best bike news and tidbits from around the web, published on our Front Page and delivered to inboxes every Monday morning. Signup for the email below or scroll down for past editions.
Sponsored by the Cycle Oregon Weekender Ride (July 13-15).
Sponsored by the EVT Safe Zone Helmet Mirror.
For when you get that impulse to buy a car.
“The Need for Speed seems to be trumping Speed Kills.”
Sponsored by the Biketown Design Challenge.
Just stop with the helmet fixation. Please.
A new freeway? in 2018? Really?
If you sponsored the Monday Roundup your message would be here by now.
Sponsored by the 17th annual Worst Day of the Year Ride — coming February 11th!
Sponsored by Western Bikeworks’ Tacx Indoor Trainer Demo Night on Tuesday, 1/23.
AVs to get B2V ASAP.