[Publisher’s note: Big thanks to Mr. Amos Hunter for stepping up to do the Weekend Event Guide!]
Ahh… summer in Portland. The weather is looking great and the weekend is brimming with some excellent events. Get ready to haul, drink, race, and drool (in no particular order). What more could you want?
Saturday, August 7th
All day: Jackson’s Ride The Gorge
A ride through the Columbia River Gorge to raise money for the Northwest Sarcoma Foundation. Named after Jackson Hill, an 11-year old boy who loved cycling and who battled the cancer valiantly before his death in 2005.
7:00am: Bikes ‘n’ Brew
A free, unsupported century featuring breweries from Portland to Hood River and in between. This ride features a good amount of climbing with frequent drink and rest stops and amazing views. Meets at 7:00am at Hair of the Dog Brewing (4509 SE 23rd). Ride ends in Hood River and is not a loop. See BikesNBrew.com for info and to RSVP.