Weekend Event Guide

Team Beer Track Race poster.

[Publisher’s note: Big thanks to Mr. Amos Hunter for stepping up to do the Weekend Event Guide!]

Ahh… summer in Portland. The weather is looking great and the weekend is brimming with some excellent events. Get ready to haul, drink, race, and drool (in no particular order). What more could you want?

Saturday, August 7th

All day: Jackson’s Ride The Gorge
A ride through the Columbia River Gorge to raise money for the Northwest Sarcoma Foundation. Named after Jackson Hill, an 11-year old boy who loved cycling and who battled the cancer valiantly before his death in 2005.

7:00am: Bikes ‘n’ Brew
A free, unsupported century featuring breweries from Portland to Hood River and in between. This ride features a good amount of climbing with frequent drink and rest stops and amazing views. Meets at 7:00am at Hair of the Dog Brewing (4509 SE 23rd). Ride ends in Hood River and is not a loop. See BikesNBrew.com for info and to RSVP.

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Yellow Felt F-7 2005

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Year: 2005
Brand: Felt
Model: F-7
Serial: A400350445
Photo: http://img814.imageshack.us/img814/2239/spring2010066.jpg
Stolen in Portland, OR 97219
Stolen From: Alder street between SW 4th and 5th Ave
Neighborhood: Downtown
Owner: Rod Cada
OwnerEmail: cadasinpdx@msn.com
Reward: yes
Description: 2005 Felt F7, bright yellow w/black carbon fork and seat stays; cusomized black fenders, carbon seatpost and seatpost rack; ergo shaped hadlebars, wireless computer.
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: T10004981
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike

Crash on ‘Hoodbomb’ sends man to hospital

A man crashed while on the annual “Hoodbomb” downhill bike ride on Saturday afternoon. According to a woman who responded to the scene of the crash around 5:30 pm, a young man that was part of a group of people on the descent overshot a hairpin corner and crashed into a cement barrier. The man was taken to OHSU Medical Center via LifeFlight helicopter.

I’ve been unable to determine the identity and/or the condition of the man but will update this story when I know more.

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Blue/White Trek Lady / Road Bike 2007

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Year: 2007
Brand: Trek
Model: Lady / Road Bike
Stolen in Portland, OR
Stolen From: Rose City Golf Cours parking lot. Taken off bike rack on back of car.
Neighborhood: Roseway
Owner: Jacob Fagan
OwnerEmail: lobonese@yahoo.com
Reward: $200
Description: Small light weight road bike with straight (mountain bike)handle bars. The wheels Did not have full spokes. Just a stagered pairs.
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: 1061101
This registrant does not have proof of ownership of this bike

‘Leverage’ filming will close Springwater Trail this week

Leverage stars will be out on the Springwater Trail this week.

Filming for the TNT television series Leverage will close the Springwater Corridor Trail this Thursday and Friday (8/5 and 8/6).

Leverage has been filmed in Portland for the past two seasons. According to location manager Don Baldwin, there are two sections of the trail that will be closed intermittently between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:00 pm both days.

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Blue KHS Urban express size M 2010

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Year: 2010
Brand: KHS
Model: Urban express size M
Serial: 090102334
Stolen in Portland, OR 97213
Stolen From: stolen in Ne PDX right by the hollywood whole foods
Neighborhood: Hollywood
Owner: Hannah Pope
OwnerEmail: han.pope@gmail.com
Reward: $100
Description: Blue KHS upright bike with 24 gears,it has a city bikes sticker and black fenders.
Police record with: Portland PD
Police reference#: T10004964
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike

Local builder working on bike for Blazers’ Przybilla

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Nate Meschke of Signal Cycles
with a 29-inch mountain
bike in the works for NBA player
Joel Przybilla.
(Photos: Matt Cardinal)

Local bike builders Matt Cardinal and Nathan Meschke of North Portland-based Signal Cycles (profile) have a tall order to fill; they’re working on a new bike for 6-foot 11-inch Trail Blazers star Joel Przybilla.

Przybilla already owns a Eugene-built Co-Motion hybrid bike that he purchased through the Lake Oswego Bike Gallery store, but his new bike will be a 29-inch mountain bike he plans to ride on the dirt trails near his home.

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Ask BikePortland: Can delivery trucks park in the bike lane?

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

This week’s Ask BikePortland comes from reader Rob B.:

Hey Jonathan,

I was wondering if you have any insight into the issue of delivery trucks illegally parking in bike lanes? In particular, my daily commute takes me south on SW 1st St from the Hawthorne Bridge. In the block between Clay and Market there are often UPS and/or Fed Ex trucks parked in the bike lane, forcing cyclists out into traffic.

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New non-profit will help pay medical bills for injured riders

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Jack Toland (on the left)
with friend Danny Fox.
(Photo courtesy Danny Fox)

The day before Thanksgiving 2009 changed Jack Toland’s life forever. Toland has raced and ridden in and around Portland for over 40 years — much of it without a serious crash. But on November 25th, his lucky streak ended. Toland hooked a wheel of the rider in front of him and fell while riding with a group of friends near West Linn. The crash left Toland with multiple fractures of his left elbow and a broken femur. He spent nearly a month in the hospital and underwent several long surgeries.

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Metallic Purple KLEIN QUANTUM late 90’s

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Year: late 90’s
Brand: KLEIN
Color:Metallic Purple
Serial: 20a25
Stolen in Portland, OR 97203
Stolen From: 7/11 on Lombard St. and Wall Ave. near St. Johns
Owner: jason morse
OwnerEmail: spokenmail@gmail.com
Reward: $50.00
Description: Most of the components were Shimano, the handle bars were Specialized. At this point however all I expect to find is the frame which is pretty unmistakable.

White MASI Cyclocross 2010

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Year: 2010
Brand: MASI
Model: Cyclocross
Size:53 cm
Serial: 9207170020
Stolen in Portland, OR 97210
Stolen From: REI bike rack at NW Johnson and 14th.
Neighborhood: Pearl
Owner: Tim Kirkpatrick
OwnerEmail: kirktimpdx@comcast.net
Description: MASI frame – no fenders – front and rear lights – seat pack – custom made 2 weeks old.
Police record with: Portland
Police reference#: 10-153514
This registrant has documented proof of ownership of this bike