Pretty Panty Ride

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 600 Columbia St., Vancouver 98660 (Propstra Plaza (Big Fish Clock), Esther Short Park, Vancouver)

Show off your pretty panties-those you keep hidden all year or adorn your plain panties on site. Guys pull out those Batman boxers out of the batcave. Panties parading on bikes, hats, bums, etc. Bike to sculptures, see public art, drink coffee, and eat at the Vancouver’s farmers market.
Leah Jackson, leah.ssg at gmail daht comm

Bike to Try/On Life Community Farm

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ SW Salmon St and SW Naito Parkway (Salmon Street Fountains)
10:45am – 2:45pm, Meet at 10:45 AM, ride at 11 AM.

Pack a picnic lunch, hop on your bike, enjoy a scenic ride, and take a tour of Try/On Life Community Farm ( next to Tryon Creek State Park.

Leaving downtown, we�ll wind our way to the farm via Terwilliger and Boones Ferrry Rd. A 1 hour tour of the farm starts at noon. Afterward, we�ll enjoy lunch in the shade–and a brief nap perhaps–before biking back to our starting point. This is a mildly strenuous ride in spots but we�ll go at what should be a leisurely and inclusive pace.
Wes Kempfer, wkempferjr at yahoo daht comm, 503-550-1741

Let’s Get Rollin’

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 1436 SE Spokane (Sellwood Community Center)
10:00am – 1:00pm

Join other women at this 3-hour conversation on how to choose the right bike and gear, recreational riding and commuting, riding techniques, use of the TriMet bike rack, and route planning.
Janis McDonald, janis.mcdonald at pdxtrans daht oh are gee, City of Portland, 503-823-5358

Slow Poke Pastry Patrol

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ 4235 SE Woodstock (Woodstock Bike Gallery)
10:00am – 12:00pm

Short ride to one of SE Portland’s increasing number of great bakeries for coffee and treats and back. Perfect for single speeds, fixed gears, or parents towing trailers. Helmets required, lycra strongly discouraged.
Bike Gallery, ryan at bikegallery daht comm, /, 503-774-3531

Bikes to Rwanda Benefit

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Event starts at 7pm
$40 family style supper + beer & wine
silent auction (including gift certificates to Loyly (scandinavian sauna),
Seaplane (local clothing store), movie rentals from Clinton
Street Video, bike gear from Seven Corners & more!)

To reserve your spot, call Subrosa at 503-233-1955.
SE 26th & Clinton Street

Bikes to Rwanda is a 501(c) 3 non-profit organization whose aim is to provide
cargo bicycles to cooperative coffee farmers in Rwanda.
The goal is to improve the quality of life in these communities through a bike
workshop and maintenance program that provides transportation resources for
basic needs and enhances the production of quality coffee.

Bikes to Rwanda

Adams to launch transportation funding “initiative” next week

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward
Bicycle Master Plan open house (N/NE)

Adams at Jefferson High last night.
(He’s not sunburned, it’s just
a bad photo.)
(File photo)

Portland City Commissioner Sam Adams is gearing up to launch a new transportation funding initiative. Last night at the Bicycle Master Plan open house in North Portland, he stopped by to drop a hint.

As attendees filled out comment forms and discussed the pros and cons of various bike routes, Adams came to the microphone and said,

“The City’s transportation budget has a $422 million backlog and at our current rate, we’re going deeper in the hole by $9 million each year…The work you’re doing tonight will very soon turn into plans for a new funding initiative.”

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Vulnerable Users bill gets some unlikely support

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Nationally syndicated radio talk show host Lars Larson can usually be counted on for ranting against bicyclists, but now it seems he’s taking a cue from the Oregonian and showing his support for the Vulnerable Roadway Users bill.

Case in point. I was forwarded an email from someone who claimed to have heard him speaking positively about the bill on his show this morning. A quick look at the front page of his website, and sure enough, “Do we really need more laws to protect cyclists?” is listed as a topic.

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Safe Routes to School Program, BTA

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Job Title: Safe Routes to School Program Coordinator, Bicycle Transportation Alliance

Compensation: $11-13.50/hr./DOE (Full-time 40hr per week position)

The Safe Routes to School (SR2S) Program Coordinator will work with the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA) and Willamette Pedestrian Coalition (WPC) to coordinate walking and biking encouragement and education programs in 5 Portland Public Schools. The Coordinator will work with principals, school staff, parents, and community members to provide encouragement, education, engineering, and enforcement programs in each school. The programs teach and inspire school age youth to be safe and predictable bicyclists and pedestrians, and promote safe transportation to and from school. The coordinator will report to the Safe Routes to School Program Manager.

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Our ‘accidental’ car culture

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

What does the word accident mean?

A mistake, but not just any mistake — not an action, but an outcome both unintended and unavoidable, something no reasonable person could have predicted or prepared for. The word is commonly used to describe bad things happening to good people from natural causes — the proverbial banana peel, a sudden strike of lightning, a verbal misunderstanding, a small child’s lack of control — and car crashes.

One of these things is not like the others.

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Pedaling toward a dream on the Historic Columbia River Highway

A tour of the Historic Columbia River Highway

One of several scenic lookouts.
View full gallery
(File photo)

Last week I got an up-close look at one of the country’s most scenic bikeways. My guide was Jeanette Kloos, President of the Friends of the Historic Columbia River Highway, a new group that is working to restore and reconnect the highway to its previous glory.

Originially completed in 1922, the Historic Columbia River Highway is a marvel of road engineering. Referred to as a “poem in stone,” it stretches from Troutdale east to the Dalles, snaking high and low along the Columbia River Gorge. It was the first road in the U.S. to be built specifically as a scenic highway it’s now officially recognized as a National Scenic Byway and listed on the National Registry of Historic Places.

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Mini-bike Steeple Chase

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

@ Zoobomb (Top of the hill)
Come meet at the Zoo hill for the second annual Mini-Bike Steeple Chase. Imagine going break-neck speeds, flying down dark paths, following one trail, if you get lost, you lose, first one down wins!! Trophy awarded to the winner!
Turbo, morganic007 at yahoo daht comm