Please join us:
Friday, November 16: Press Conference
12:30 – Press conference at City Hall (1221 SW 4th Street)
- Saturday, November 17: Community Rally in Waterfront Park
12:00 Noon – Gather by Salmon Street Springs Fountain (between Hawthorne Bridge and Morrison Bridge) to voice our concerns and demonstrate our commitment to justice, equality, and respect for all on the road.
Media Contact: Elly Blue (503) 810 9443 (eleanor [dot] blue [at] gmail [dot] com)
- 11/15, 2:18pm – Download official Press Release (PDF)
- Volunteers needed to lead rides from Ghost Bikes/memorials to rally – Details here.
Spurred on by the recent string of traffic collisions resulting in cyclists’ deaths and injuries, we are making an appeal to all levels of our government and law enforcement, to the media, and to all citizens who share the roads, to come together and work for a positive change in our communities and in the streets.
This is not just about bicycles — this is a chance for the whole community to come together and address the issues and frustrations we ALL experience daily, whether driving, bicycling, or trying to walk across the street. This is a call for change and action by all parties to make a true commitment to share the roads and make our streets safer for everyone.
Our concerns:
- The high toll of law-abiding cyclists killed and injured in traffic collisions in recent months.
- The bias displayed by certain elements in our law enforcement community, when responding or reporting on car-bike collisions.
- The apparent lack of accountability for motorists who cause car-bike collisions resulting in injury or death.
- The “bikes vs. cars” rethoric used in certain media to frame the recent string of cyclist fatalities.
- The frustration shared by many regarding the current state of traffic safety education and road facilities that perpetuate misunderstandings, confusion, friction, and rage.
We feel strongly that all these issues are unacceptable for a city that is widely recognized as the “best city for cycling in the USA”.
Our appeal:
- Make “safety of vulnerable road users” the #1 priority on the agenda of our transportation planning & policy and traffic law enforcement
- End the bias in traffic enforcement and police reporting related to car-bike collisions.
- Change our law enforcement policies to investigate all car-bike collisions requiring medical assistance and to issue citations for obvious traffic violations causing these collisions.
- Replace the “bikes vs. cars” rhetoric with a positive message of “sharing the road” in a respectful, responsible and courteous way.
- Adequately fund bicycle and pedestrian facilities to meet expected demand 10 years out.
- A commitment by ALL to make concrete efforts to increase the protection of vulnerable road users, through education, enforcement, and engineering, and increased funding in these areas.
- A call to ALL users of the road to respect traffic laws and to ride and drive in a responsible, safe and courteous manner.