We are BikePortland

BikePortland has served up daily bike news since 2005. We have been a consistent, dependable voice working to bring new perspectives, information, and inspiration to Portland’s vibrant bicycling scene. This site is only possible because of support from our advertisers and from direct contributions from readers like you.

While we are grateful for our advertisers, we simply couldn’t (nor do we want to) survive on their support alone.

The excellent people below have supported BikePortland through a direct contribution via PayPal. You can add your name and/or link by pitching in any amount that makes sense for you.

Seth Alford
Robert Anderson
Gerald Armour
Tom Armstrong
Jeff Bernards
Sugata Bhattacharya
Spencer Boomhower
Stephen Bozzone/Bozz Media
Nathan Broom
Donna Bryan
James D Carota
James Cavalieri
Joe Corra
Joshua DeGraff
Thomas Devlin
Rachel Dominguez-Benner
Steven Dopp
Howard Draper
Joel Finkelstein
Emily Finch
Joshua Force/Portland Afoot
Eric Gazley
Patricia Hansen
Anne Hawley
Michael Hernandez
William Higgins
Eric Hill
William Ho
John Holland
Seth Hosmer/Hosmer Chiropractic
Richard Hughes/Proponent, Oregon Scenic Bikeways
Amos Hunter
Perry Hunter
Albyn Jones
Daniel Kaempff
Susan Koonce
Tom LaBonty
Ted Lamb
Gretchin Lair
Joe Lopata
Eric Maurice
Charles McCarthy
Chris Mccraw
Mike Morrison/AORTA
Lois Moss
Oregon Bicycle Racing Association
Kirk Paulsen
Pedal Nation Events LLC
Darren Pennington
Mark Person
John Pierce
Elaine Prause
Quixote Cycles
M Alex Reed
Rich and Betsy Reese
Jessica Roberts
Vincent Rodarte
Tonya Roe
Kyle Rohr
Daniel Ronan
Nathan Rosenthal
Richard Rosko
Phillip Ross
Collin Roughton
Robert Sanders
Chad Sailer
Janet Schaeffer
Chad Schraufnagel
David Seifert
Izaac Spencer
Kimberlee Stafford
Barbara Stedman
Ron Suchanek
Samuel Taylor
David Thomson
Norm Tjaden
Jackie Wayman
Nick Welch
Daniel Werle
Shane Vaughn

If you have contributed within the last year and don’t find your name above or if you’d prefer to change your listing, please let us know.

With you help we are building a strong community media resource that will you’ll be able to depend on for many years to come. Thank you!

— Jonathan Maus, Editor & Publisher