Event: Wheels With Heels (8/17/10)

Event: Wheels With Heels!
Date: Tuesday August 17th
Time: 5:30pm meet up, start at 5:45
Location: Esther Short Clock Tower

Tuesday August 17th we are hosting the first of the Wheels With Heels event. Bring out your heels and fancy clothes and ride your bicycle. We will start at the Esther Short Park Clock Tower and take a spin around the park followed by a short ride to a local establishment for refreshments.
Join us as we show Vancouver how sexy cycling can be!

Feel free to contact me ahead of time if you are not certain of what to wear or you are looking for friendly encouragement. Feel free to bring a friend or refer this email to another.

It would also be great if you RSVP. I can give the eating establishment some sort of count. But if you decide at the last moment please don’t hesitate to show up!
