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First look: Ch’ak Ch’ak Trail in Troutdale nears completion

Newly paved portion of the Ch-ak Ch-ak Trail in Troutdale. View (I think!) is looking northeast east with Sandy River to the right. (Photos: Frank Stevens)
(Map: BikePortland)

An exciting extension of the 40-Mile Loop route in Troutdale is nearing completion. Reader Frank Stevens shared images of a newly paved path along the Columbia River just north of Blue Lake Park. The new path, which was officially named the Ch’ak Ch’ak Trail by the City of Troutdale in October 2023 (the name means Bald Eagle in the Chinuk Wawa language) hardens an unimproved dirt road that some cyclists have enjoyed for years.

As BikePortland reported in 2016 when the project was first developed, this connects a gap in the 40-Mile Loop and includes a total of 2.1 miles in new paths: a 1.8 mile segment from Blue Lake Park to Sundial Road (see green lines on map), and a 0.3-mile segment near Harlow Road adjacent to the Sandy River. The new sections of path connect to existing paths to create a three-mile connection from NE 223rd Ave to NE Harlow Road and I-84 where it crosses the Sandy River.


Most importantly the newly expanded path gives bicycle riders a safe, carfree alternate to NE Marine Drive, NW Frontage Road, and Graham Rd — all of which are high-stress, busy roads with a large volume of truck traffic.

The project is part of the Portland of Portland’s Troutdale Reynolds Industrial Park (TRIP) development. The path is funded by the Port, Oregon Department of Transportation, and the City of Troutdale. The 700-acre site used to be an aluminum plant and now the Port wants to create an industrial zone that the EPA says will support 3,500 jobs. The Port of Portland owns the property, which is adjacent to the Troutdale Airport.

According to a Port spokesperson, paving was completed last week and finishing touches and signage should be installed in the next few weeks. No official opening date has been released but it should be sometime in June. A grand opening celebration is being planned for September. Stay tuned for exact details.

In related news, a separate project will connect this path directly to downtown Troutdale. The Sandy River Greenway Trail will connect to the existing path under I-84 along the west bank of the Sandy River. Construction on that project is expected to begin this summer.

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