The Morrison Bridge’s biking and walking path should reopen three weeks from Sunday, a Multnomah County said Tuesday.
The path has been closed to walking and biking for much of the summer, as have various travel lanes. It’s related to a deck replacement that’s a do-over from a 2012 replacement job that didn’t prove nearly as durable as it was supposed to.
The physically separated path along the south side of the Morrison connects Water Avenue on the Central Eastside with Naito Parkway and 2nd Avenue downtown.
On Monday, the county had tweeted that the path would reopen Oct. 16, but county spokesman Mike Pullen said in an email Tuesday that another six days would be required.
“There is a one-week delay in pouring the last concrete for the new deck, due to some additional work they discovered this week,” he said.
A two-week total bridge closure begins next Monday.
At last count, the bridge has carried about 800 bike trips per day since opening its sidepath in 2012 after a 12-year citizen-led activism campaign.
— Michael Andersen: (503) 333-7824, @andersem on Twitter and
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