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Tell Metro where bus stations should go on Powell, 82nd and Division

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

full route
It’s not yet official which route the line will take between Powell and Division, but project staff are pushing hard for that because of all the destinations on 82nd.
(Map: Metro)

This is a small preview to a big story we’ve been working on about Metro’s next big Southeast Portland project: the Powell-Division bus rapid transit corridor.

“Bus rapid transit” is the neat, fast-spreading idea of making a bus line feel and function like a train line. Part of that is that instead of a stop every two or three blocks, the big new buses will have stations (don’t call them “stops”!) every six to 12 blocks.

That means it’s especially important to get the station locations right. An online survey open through the end of this week asks where the stations should land.


The questions about station locations are open only to people who ride transit through the general area of the project — not just those who ride the 4 and the 9, the two main buses along this route. Anyone, however, is welcome to share their opinions about bus rapid transit in general or this project in particular.

If you do use transit in this area. the survey asks if the station locations mapped above would serve your needs, and whether there should be more stations or fewer.

Metro, TriMet and ODOT held an open house on Monday for a particularly interesting stretch of this project: the possible route along 82nd Avenue. We’re still gathering some of the details necessary to explain the tradeoffs here, but stay tuned for a big update on a project that’s about to enter rapid development over the next two years.

— Michael Andersen, (503) 333-7824 –

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