(Photo by Greg Raisman)
Just as many Portland families are getting savvier about carrying kids by bike, it looks like we’re starting to get good at doubling up adults on bikes as well.
These illustrative photos were posted to the BikePortland Photographers pool on Flickr. If you have photos of people doing interesting things with bikes in the Portland area, feel free to add them to the pool.
(Photo taken by D’Arby, posted by Flickr user Scrunchleface)
Esther Harlow writes of the above photo:
Portland opened many miles of streets to non-combustion powered traffic for the third of the 2009 Sunday Parkways in SE Portland. My family was visiting from California. I wanted to show them everything along the route, but my mom has mobility limitations. [I carried] my mom in a Blue Sky cargo trailer, kicking back in a lawn chair. She was very hesitant at first, and tried to refuse, but I held firm that she would enjoy the ride, so eventually she acquiesced and boarded my trailer. As I suspected, plenty of people agreed it was “the way to ride” — we got lots of jealous commentary….