ground away and the new, bi-directional bike
lane is being mapped out.
(Photo J. Maus)
The Rose Quarter Transit Center, long a thorn in the side of bike advocates who want more efficient north-south access, is slated for a host of bike access improvements.
Those improvements — which include bus line re-routes and several new bits of bike-specific markings and lanes — where initially set for completion on August 31st. But now, the latest word from TriMet planner and bike specialist Colin Maher is that the new bike lanes, bike box, and signage, is “expected early next month.”
He told me last night that the new bus stops and re-routes to accommodate the new bike treatments “have been in place for three weeks now and are operating smoothly.”
I also asked Maher about the petition by TriMet operators that surfaced in the local media and called for a halt to the plans. At the end of last month, bus and train operators said having bikes come through the Rose Quarter would be an accident waiting to happen and would “cost lives” if the plans went forward.
Maher said he has been in touch with the operator who organized the petition and that he (the operator) has “attended a field review of the proposed changes and is helping develop new materials that will demonstrate how buses will operate with the addition of bikes lanes/bike box.”
Maher added that he is working closely with operators to help make sure the new Rose Quarter bike access works safely for everyone. “Their feedback,” he said, “will be an important aspect of monitoring and evaluating the changes following implementation.”
I’ll have photos and a full report once the project is complete.