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PUMP plans trail party in Forest Park

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

As part of their ongoing stewardship of the Firelane 5 trail in Forest Park, the Portland United Mountain Pedalers (PUMP!) are throwing a trail work party.

Here’s the notice of the event:

As your Forest Park Co-Representative, I am pleased to announce the scheduling of our second trail (work) party on Firelane 5. The first one was an amazing success! I’d like to thank the folks from Fat Tire Farm, Mtbr, Revolver Bikes, OR Bike, OBRA, and the many PUMP members who came out. A huge “Thanks” to Friends of Forest Park who provided us with the trail building expertise and equipment with Jeff Hough. Additionally, thank you Grand Central Bakery for providing all the wonderful breakfast pastries for the crew. Amazing!

We had around 50 – count them: Five-Oh – dedicated bikers show up from all of these groups to do a smashing job improving the trail and adding such features as a serpentine and culvert. We rode FL5 a couple of days ago and I was amazed at how well the areas we’d worked on held up to the loads of rain and riding – Great job!

Our November crew’s work was a great start in showing our commitment to stewarding singletrack in Forest Park. A main concern in regard to this effort remains sustained maintenance contribution and stewardship from our mountain biking and cyclocrossing community. Please continue to attend the work parties in Forest Park and draft your biking friends. You will find that it is a flat blast to work shoulder to shoulder with other bikers.

* Warning: Advocacy can be addictive!

So come on out and get addicted with us! We are planning maintenance work on FL5 and will be spreading to FL1 improvements if we have a good enough turn-out – So come out! (smile) Please RSVP so we can plan the additional work, procure adequate equipment, and have enough Grand Central Bakery pastries on hand for everyone!

Bring: Work Gloves, Wet Weather Gear, and Water Please let me know if you are coming so we can ensure there are
enough tools (and pastries) to go around.

End time will be 1:00 PM with probable rides after.
Meeting Place: Parking lot at the Saltzman Gate off Skyline Blvd. Please see map. If you are riding your bike just ride to the top of FL5/Saltzman.
Meeting Place Map:
Meeting Date: Saturday 02/09/08
Meeting Time: 9:00 am
Contact Instructions/Info: Shanti Ware 503-228-0589

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