[UPDATE: Improvements have been confirmed. Read this post for all the details.]

Union and Helvetia Rd.]
OregonLive bike blogger and Washington County resident Peter LaPorte says Washington County is finally planning to add safety improvements to the intersection of West Union and Helvetia Roads.
This is the intersection where Mike Kalan was killed back on September 15th.
Here’s more from Peter’s blog:
“On a ride out that way today, my buddies and I were stopped by a FOX12 reporter and cameraman. They wanted to talk with us about the intersection – why we thought it was dangerous (start with Mike Kalan and work back to hundreds of close calls), why so many cyclists rode out that way (maybe cause we like to get away from traffic), and so on.
They also pointed out that the County was going to put down rumble strips (we later noted the markings for them) and install one or more flashing signals. Looks like the rumble strips will cover the full width of the lane – including west bound on West Union as you come down the slope to the intersection.”
I have contacted the transportation planning department in Washington County and will update this post with more developments as they come in.