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Show your support for Lake Oswego – Portland bike trail

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

[Future site of a bike trail?]

This just in from Jessica Roberts (formerly of the BTA, now with Alta Planning):

I’m sure you know all too well how dangerous and unpleasant it is to ride a bike on Highway 43 between Lake Oswego and Portland. In fact, the BTA listed this project as one of the primary barriers to bicycling in our region in the Blueprint for Better Biking report we released last year.

Now, on Tuesday, October 3rd, you have the chance to speak up for a better option: a trail on the old rail line paralleling the Willamette. For years now, BTA has joined with many community members to ask for a great trail alternative to Hwy 43. Just think what it’ll be like to bike between Lake O and Portland on a beautiful, quiet, safe and attractive corridor! This meeting will discuss specific trail design options.

A BTA representative has been attending meetings about the possibility of a trail between Lake Oswego and the Sellwood Bridge; also under discussion are rail and bus options, so the trail is not yet a done deal.

Please show up and demonstrate how important the trail is to our community!

Your support can make a real difference!

What: Lake Oswego to Portland Transit & Trail Study
Community Design Workshop

When: October 3, 2006
7:00 – 8:30 p.m. (drop in any time)

Where: Adult Community Center, Alder Room
505 G Avenue, Lake Oswego

If you live or ride in this area, please attend this community meeting. To learn more about this trail gap, review this PDF file from the BTA’s Blueprint for Better Biking.

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