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City denies Springwater development

The City of Portland Bureau of Development Services (BDS) has denied the development application of Shawn Karambelas and his company, SK Northwest (PDF of the official decision).

SK’s application to build on the Willamette River became a big deal because they didn’t want to allow a trail to be built across their property, in spite of the fact that it lies on a city-designated “Greenway”, contains an unofficial City trail easement, and lies between two very popular paths; the Eastbank Esplanade and the Springwater Corridor.

The current route around this parcel jolts inland from the river through dangerous industrial traffic (including train tracks) and is not an acceptable, long-term solution.

I first posted about this nearly two months ago and have been following the story ever since.

The posts on this issue have generated 90 comments so far and many people contacted BDS directly with their concerns. On that note, here’s my favorite part of the 20-page decision mailed out by BDS yesterday.

“A total of 127 written responses have been received. Two letters are in support of the proposal.”

Read the entire document (it’s pretty interesting), on the BDS website.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to share your concern with BDS.

SK Northwest has until June 23rd to appeal the decision. I’ll keep you posted if I hear anything…

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