Don’t miss the latest edition of Portland Mercury Reporter Taylor Griggs’ Street View column where she highlights how our community helps bring people together. Like, really together. As in, love. It’s in the Mercury’s Love/Sex issue (which I realize now is why it’s also the Merc’s Wiener Week which means $8 yummy hot dogs citywide).
Taylor (yes, that one) lays out why bicycles — and more importantly, the wonderful community of people who love them — have such powerful forces of attraction. “For many, Portland’s bike scene has been something of an antidote to the poison of dating apps and dead-end situationships,” she writes. “And for those who aren’t in the market for romance, going to bike events is an excellent way to make friends.”
What makes the article even more fun is that it revolves around one of my favorite couples, Carey Booth and Jack Coleman, a duo who got to know each other at our weekly Bike Happy Hour (you might know Carey as the host of the event when I’m unable to be there):
“Booth said she specifically thinks the Bike Happy Hour, which takes place every Wednesday afternoon at Migration Brewing on North Williams Ave, provides a special opportunity to meet people. It’s easy to remember where and when it is, and the environment enables connecting with people.”
Taylor also highlights someone who met their love at the annual Loud N Lit bike ride that happens during Bike Summer. What started as a harmless chat at the ride’s meet-up spot in Irving Park has led to the couple moving in together.
Maybe it’s time to bring back Velotine’s Day?
And if you’re Bike Happy Hour-curious, we’d love to meet you. We had a great crowd last night and this coming Wednesday (3-6 pm at Migration on N Williams) should be extra-fun because it happens to fall on my 50th birthday!
Check out Taylor’s article here or grab a copy of this week’s paper and read it in print.