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PBOT will re-harden Naito with concrete curbs near Saturday Market

Temporary cones will be replaced this week. (Photos: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)

A key section of the Naito Parkway bike lanes will finally be re-hardened after a long row of ornate, steel bollards went missing in 2023. As we’ve reported, the bike lanes adjacent to Portland Saturday Market between Ankeny and Burnside were left unprotected after the bollards vanished sometime in spring of 2023. It’s still unknown what exactly happened to dozens of bollards — some say they were stolen for scrap, others say they were simply damaged and then discarded by drivers and/or vandals.

After our story in 2023, the Portland Bureau of Transportation installed temporary orange traffic cones to help provide protection for the popular, two-way bike lanes. On Tuesday, PBOT announced that a crew of contractors will begin a project this week to install concrete curb separators to protect the bike lane. “They are expected to install about 210 feet of concrete separators along the outer edge of the two-way multi-use path, from SW Ankeny to the Burnside Bridge,” reads the PBOT statement. “The separators are intended to provide protection for people biking and walking, while requiring less maintenance than movable bollards that were previously used in this section of the path.”

Farewell lovely bollards, it was nice knowing you! (View from Burnside Bridge in May 2022)

The bollards (at right) were removable so that vendors of the Saturday Market could park in the bike lanes to load and unload their stalls. It is an annoying compromise (since it leads to people parking in the bike lane), but it allowed the Saturday Market to support the Better Naito project and be a willing partner with PBOT going forward. With the new curbs on the way, I asked PBOT if anything had changed in their agreement with the Market.

“Our agreement with them, and the loading operations will be unchanged,” said PBOT Public Information Officer Dylan Rivera. “Vendors will be able to enter Better Naito at the intersection of Ankeny or drive over the traffic separators at slow speeds to load and unload. The vast majority of the time (when vendors aren’t actively loading or unloading for the Market) people biking and walking in this segment of Better Naito will benefit from new concrete protection separating the facility from the northbound travel lane.”

PBOT expects the new concrete treatment to be much more durable than the bollard design they initially installed. 

If you ride this section of Naito, expect a detour around the construction work and into the Waterfront Park path for about a week from yesterday.

UPDATE, 1/28: PBOT says this project has been postponed, “to allow time for county work on the Burnside Bridge” and that a new schedule will be shared in March.

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