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PAC fundraiser will launch ‘fight for transportation justice’ in 2025 legislative session

Today was the first day Oregon legislators and their staff were allowed into the State Capitol building in Salem. The session doesn’t officially begin until next Tuesday (January 21st), but buzz is already building around what’s to come: this session lawmakers and advocates will attempt to hammer out a major transportation funding package.

It will take a lot of advocacy and lobbying to make sure the package reflects a progressive view of transportation that goes well beyond freeway expansions and driving-centric megaprojects. The Oregon Moves Political Action Committee (PAC) is one of the groups that will do that work. This PAC will work directly with legislators to influence policy and they’ll need to raise money to do it. That’s why they’ve planned a campaign launch and fundraiser later this month.

“Join us and learn how you can help us win safer streets, better transit and climate action in the upcoming transportation package!” reads an invite to the January 24th launch event. Illustrating just what’s at stake is an impressive list of speakers and hosts that includes: Oregon State Senator Khanh Pham, Metro Councilor Juan Carlos Gonzalez, Portland City Councilor Candace Avalos, and noted activists Cassie Wilson (Move Oregon Forward), Michelle DuBarry (Families for Safe Streets), Nolan Lienhart (ZGF Architects), and Nat West (former city council candidate).

The Oregon Moves PAC launched in December 2023. State records show that so far the PAC has raised $55,500 from two donors: $55,000 from Lake Oswego-based philanthropist and software business owner Mike Perham (who’s also a co-owner of BikePortland), and $500 from William Henderson, former CEO of Ride Report. The PAC’s sole paid staffer is by Aaron Brown, one of the co-founders of No More Freeways and legislative aide to Senator Khanh Pham.

Note that Oregon Moves PAC is separate from Move Oregon Forward, which is a coalition of 501c3 nonprofits that have legal restrictions around political lobbying.

The January 24th launch event will take place from 6:30 to 8:30 pm at Taborspace (5441 SE Belmont). RSVP here.

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