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Schedule rundown for today’s big transportation tour stop

Joint Committee on Transportation at their meeting in Salem last week.

In a few minutes I’ll leave the Shed and roll over to Portland Community College to begin a seven-hour assignment. It’s the first stop on the Oregon Legislature’s Joint Committee on Transportation Transportation Safety and Sustainability Tour (JCTTSST, just kidding).

As I’ve been sharing recently, this is a big deal because this is the first stop on a statewide tour where lawmakers will learn about local issues and listen (notice I didn’t say “hear”) to what Oregonians think about transportation. It’s also rare for lawmakers and JCT members to hold a public hearing.

Before I head over there, I wanted to share the schedule and a bit more info about what will happen.

The first event is an invite-only infrastructure tour that begins at 12:00. We’ll stop at four spots: Multnomah County’s Bridge Shop on SE Water Ave, the intersection of SW Broadway and Jackson, the DMV in downtown Portland, and N Lombard Ave. Various agency leaders will speak at each stop to discuss specific issues.


After that there’s a roundtable discussion from 2:30 to 4:30 back at PCC Cascade. I just received the list of people who will be around the table:

At 4:00 there will be a rally outside the venue hosted by Sunrise PDX. And then from 5:00 to 7:00 will be the public hearing where folks can sign up and testify.

OK, gotta get packed and run over there. Stay tuned for coverage over on my @Jonathan_Maus X account.

NOTE: The list of names above originally had Thomas Le Ngo as a representative of APANO, but that was an error by organizers. He was actually at the roundtable as a rep for The Street Trust (where he’s board chair). I regret any confusion.

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