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Guest Opinion: Act now to save Oregon’s e-bike rebate bill

One is terrible for humans and the environment, yet is highly subsidized by the government. The other one could save the world and is not subsidized. It doesn’t have to be this way. (Photo: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)

— This opinion comes from e-bike advocate RJ Sheperd

With the Oregon Legislature reconvening following weeks of Senate Republicans walking out, the legislature is finally back to work. What seems to be missing on the agenda is a key legislative win-win-win for Oregon families, our climate, and our communities: the Oregon E-Bike Rebate Bill (HB 2571), sponsored by Rep. Dacia Grayber (D-28), Rep. Mark Gamba (D-41), and co-sponsored by Rep. Kahn Pham (D-46). 

HB 2571 would offer $1,200 off on an Electric Bike for those making less than 80% of median family income, and a $400 rebate for those making more. With just $6 million, HB 2571 will provide over 11,600 rebates to Oregonians! Oregon would join Colorado, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Rhode Island, and Vermont in offering E-Bike rebates to address transportation emissions.

With less than a week in the session left to go, the bill is currently slated to die in the Ways & Means Committee despite it passing nearly unanimously (9-1) in the Climate, Energy, & Environment committee. It would also likely pass with bipartisan support in both the Senate and the House, but the bill still needs a hearing on a Ways & Means subcommittee. That also means we likely won’t see a statewide rebate for at least another two years, until the next full session.


But, there is still time to act! You can email Speaker Rayfield, Co-Chairs of the House Ways & Means Committee Rep. Sanchez and Sen. Steiner with a letter of support for this important bill at this convenient website and get this bill sent over to the House and Senate.

Electric bikes are essential to meeting Oregon’s stated goal of 10% fewer emissions of 1990 than levels by 2050. The fact remains that 40% of Oregon’s emissions coming from transportation and we can see the impacts of climate change right now with record breaking sea surface temperatures, Canadian wildfires, and “heat domes” becoming more likely in the Pacific Northwest. We must act now.

The e-bike rebaite would offer additional benefits by reducing emissions in areas of Oregon with poor air quality, increasing physical activity to build healthier communities and reducing healthcare costs, and reducing transportation costs for families.  Additionally, 100% of the rebate must be spent at in-state retailers, ensuring this rebate creates Oregon jobs to sell and maintain these e-bikes moving forward. 

There is widespread support for this measure, from the City of Bend to Hood River, from local bike shops to statewide environmental organizations. But that’s not enough. We need hundreds of letters to the Speaker and Co-Chairs to push this over the hill and to coast through the House & Senate.

E-bikes may be the fastest way we can rapidly reduce transportation emissions. 51% of trips in Portland alone are less than 3 miles. PSU’s John MacArthur found that if just 15% of trips were made by E-Bike, Portland would reduce its transportation emissions by 12%.

Get your message to Speaker Rayfield right away!

The Oregon Legislature has an exciting opportunity to power up our communities, and to protect our planet by passing the E-Bike Rebate this session. Let’s not wait another two years to act.

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