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Online open house and survey released for I-5 Bridge replacement project

The new effort to replace the I-5 bridge between Portland and Vancouver is well underway. DOTs from Oregon and Washington are pouring money into an immense public outreach/PR campaign and planning process that is so slick it’s scary.

Along with hosting lots of advisory committee meetings and splashing content across multiple social media channels, the folks behind the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program effort have opened an online open house that includes the project’s first public survey.

Open now through March 1st, the survey includes several opportunities to make sure project leadership hears from bicycle riders, walkers, and micromobility vehicle users. This is extra important because as we’ve reported, the DOTs did not appoint a professional cycling advocate to the official advisory committee.


In the “Identifying Problems” sections, you can choose “Inadequate bike/ped path” as your top priority. There’s also a section where you can drag-and-drop a bike/ped icon to a map and leave a comment at a specific location. A ranking exercise titled “Community Values” allows you to rank your top three “Transit and Multimodal” priorities. (Strangely, that section has several choices that are essentially the same, which I worry could make it easier for things to appear unimportant.)

Take the survey and visit the online open house here.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and
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