Our elected representatives need to hear what you think of the $8.2 billion transportation package.
The Joint Committee on Transportation Preservation and Modernization just released the full details for the upcoming hearings for House Bill 2017. And The Street Trust is riding to Salem for one of them.
Here are the details:
The committee is having three hearings. The first one on Monday will include invited testimony only. The other two are open to the public. All the hearings begin at 5:00 pm and will take place at the State Capitol in Hearing Room F. Committee meetings are usually streamed live online. We’ve asked for a confirmation on that and have yet to hear back.
Keep in mind that if a significant disagreement arises and an amendment is needed, the committee plans to hear those on Wednesday. Also, the current plan is for this committee to vote on the bill sometime between June 12th and 16th.
If you’d like to join others who care about transportation, The Street Trust is hosting Ride to Salem Tuesday in time to speak at the hearing. Here’s more from TST:
Join us in bicycling to Salem on June 6th to make our priorities known at the first public hearing on HB 2017, the transportation funding package.
We ride for Safe Routes to School for Every Kid and especially for low-income families.
We ride for off-street bicycle and pedestrian paths.
We ride for more funding for public transportation and free transit passes for youth.
We ride for in-school bicycle and pedestrian safety education.
We ride for safe streets for all Oregonians.
We ride to say bicycling is part of the solution- not something to be targeted with a bike tax.
If you’d like to join, meet at the Portland State University Urban Plaza (south of Mill Street between 5th and 6th) at 9:30 am. The route is 58 miles long and will stick to the Willamette Valley Scenic Bikeway. See the event listing for more details.
You can also contact your representative directly using this handy tool or send an email to the JTPM committee via jtpm.exhibits@oregonlegislature.gov.
— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and jonathan@bikeportland.org
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