Stub Stewart State Park is slowly but surely becoming a mountain biking destination. And it’s only going to get better this summer as the Northwest Trail Alliance (NWTA) just announced a $10,000 grant from outdoor gear retailer REI.
According to the NWTA, the grant will help fund a package of trail stewardship and improvement projects at Stub Stewart. The park, just 33 miles west of Portland, has been the focus on NWTA work and advocacy since 2008. It already boasts 15 miles of mountain bike trails, a network of free-ride/mountain-bike specific trails, and there’s plenty more that could be built — the only thing missing is money and volunteers.
“Grant funding is only part of the solution to creating more access,” reads a statement from NWTA, “At Stub Stewart State Park we have recognized that the 20+ miles of shared-use trail within the park represent many more miles of trail riding opportunities, with the help of dirt-moving, shovel-enabled volunteers like you.”
The team at NWTA is currently working on a $100,000 grant through the federal Recreational Trails Program.
The local bike industry has also taken notice of the burgeoning biking possibilities at Stub Stewart. Portland Design Works, a Portland-based company that makes cycling accessories, has stepped up their support. They’ve just announced the Stub Stewart Trail Work Day on June 21st. The day will start with coffee and donuts and end with beer and a BBQ (and probably some riding on newly maintained and dug-out trails!).
If you haven’t ventured out to ride at Stub (it’s adjacent to the Banks-Vernonia Trail), make plans to do it this summer. And once you’ve enjoyed the off-road trails and experienced the potential, consider joining the NWTA and help make them even better.