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Like to mountain bike? Local trail group has ’10 things to do before fall’

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In case you haven’t noticed, Portland-based Northwest Trail Alliance is really becoming a strong force for good in the region. They are building trails, building relationships, and building a movement around mountain biking. NWTA President Jon Pheanis just shared a cool checklist in their monthly newsletter that’s worth more attention. Check it out…

The Mountain Biker Checklist: 10 Things You Should Do Before Fall

VOLUNTEER: Help get the trails you ride into shape. Or help at any of our upcoming events like Sunday Parkways or Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day. Check out the calendar to find out more.
EXPLORE: Go somewhere new. Check out our website and see what’s near you.
GO FAR: Summer is winding down so now is the time to ride any of our regions’ single track.
STAY CLOSE: There’s no need to drive. Ride the Springwater Trail out to Powell Butte or take Max to the Ventura Park pump track.
INTRODUCE A FRIEND: Take someone new out on a mountain bike and share your passion.
RECYCLE: Take your old mountain bike or bike parts to the Community Cycling Center. Someone will really appreciate it.
DONATE: Your cash donations go directly to supporting all of our excellent programs. Even just a little goes a long way.
TELL US A STORY: Go somewhere new this summer? Have advice, something amazing, or funny to tell us? Send us your story and we’ll get it on our website or our newsletter. You can always submit a topic to present at our monthly membership meetings.
LEAD: We need your help guiding a ride, heading one of our programs and volunteering your time as a board member. Contact us for more information.
GET INVOLVED: Frustrated, passionate or just grateful? Come early to one of our monthly membership meetings and see what you can do. We’re also looking for a few 2013-2014 board members.

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