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Vancouver Avenue Bridge project delayed until end of February

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

Vancouver Ave Bridge project detour sign-1
Those detour signs will be up for
another month or so.
(Photo © J. Maus)

A project to repair and rebuild the Vancouver Avenue Bridge in North Portland has been delayed and isn’t expected to be completed until the end of February. The bridge — which crosses the Columbia Slough just west of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd — is an important north-south connection; and even though a detour is available, the routes are not as convenient or safe for people using bicycles.

The project started eight months ago and the Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) initially said it would be completed by the end of December 2010. According to PBOT’s Bridges and Structures Section Leader David O’Longaigh, delays at the beginning of the project have pushed the completion date back.

O’Longaigh told BikePortland reader Ian Wigger via email that, “We did have some set backs at the start of the project with utilities. We are now hitting the home stretch and expect the bridge to be open for public use by end of February at latest.”

Tim Adams lives in Vancouver and works in the Lloyd District. For him, the bridge was a direct and safe route into work. He called me yesterday asking for an update. “Getting over to Interstate [the suggested detour route] isn’t too handy,” he said, “I’d rather be on Vancouver going through neighborhoods where there’s less traffic…. I’ll be thrilled when it’s done.”

We’ll keep you posted if there are any more delays. But at this point, expect it to re-open late next month.

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