State Representative Jules Bailey has just told us that he has been in touch with Rep. Mitch Greenlick about HB 2228, the controversial bill that would create a new Oregon law making it illegal to transport a child six years or younger on a bicycle or in a bike trailer.
Bailey says that the two lawmakers have agreed that the bill will be amended if and when it comes up in committee (it has not been assigned to one yet). Here’s more from Bailey:
“I have spoken with Rep Greenlick and convinced him that we should amend the bill to remove the violation portion and instead ask for a study on child safety in bicycles and the best way to improve that safety. I plan to make that amendment at the first opportunity if the bill is heard and worked. He agreed to support the amendment as a friendly amendment.”
According to Bailey, Greenlick has said he will support and advocate for the amendment on his own bill. Bailey adds that, “I can’t guarantee the whole committee (whatever that is) would go for it, but it’s likely if the sponsor [Greenlick] wants it.”
Earlier today, Bailey weighed in on the issue via Twitter, saying, “The desire to address child safety is good, but HB 2228 doesn’t help. Better to protect vulnerable road users.”
Greenlick confirms that he has talked with his colleagues and that he has told them, “if they submit an amendment to change the bill to a study bill I would likely support that amendment.”
From here, it becomes a waiting game. It’s likely that the bill will never even come up in a committee. If it does, we’ll see how Greenlick and the other committee members respond to Bailey’s amendment. To track the bill, use The Oregonian’s handy bill-tracker website.
— Full coverage and background on this bill here.