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An interview and “reflections” from BTA’s new leader

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

BTA Alice Awards 2010-36
Mr. Sadowsky is settling in.
(Photo © J. Maus)

The BTA’s new executive director Rob Sadowsky has been at the helm for about two months now. Between getting to know a new city and state (he moved here with his family from Chicago), setting the BTA’s course for the future, and trying to build an effective bike movement here in Portland, Rob’s got a lot on his shoulders.

Luckily for all of us, I believe Rob’s up to the task.

I look forward to sitting down with him next week for an in-depth chat about the BTA’s strategic visioning process and what the future holds for the organization. But for now, I thought I’d highlight a few recently published articles, one in Street Roots and the other from Rob himself, that tell us a bit more about what’s on his mind.

A week or so ago, Rob was the cover story interview in the local newspaper Street Roots. Street Roots’ editor Israel Bayer asked Rob about a number of important issues. Here are a few snips from the interview:

On what the BTA is doing since the 2030 Bike Plan passed back in February:

“We’re trying to keep the heat on and make sure the city is taking the proper steps in partnership with us to raise money for the plan…”

On the BTA’s often tumultuous last few years:

“I think we have really turned a corner. This last year has been one of introspection and figuring out who we really are, and organizationally we are beginning to shine some light on what we are and what we can be. We are trying to take steps that are proactive, smart and creative, and not being afraid of risk.”

Read the full interview here.

Rob also published a blog post yesterday sharing some of his “early reflections” on where he, the BTA, and Portland are right now. He broke down his thoughts into: “There is much to do,” “We [BTA] are eager,” “We need help,” and “We need your voice.” He also shared a few “personal commitments” which included being a “consistent and powerful voice for bicyclists,” being “thoughtful, smart and proactive,” and not biting of more than they can chew.

According to BTA staffer Carl Larson, Rob’s already had a positive impact on the organization. In a comment on the BTA blog, Larson writes, “… the office hasn’t felt as confident and connected in quite a while. I, for one, am excited about helping to hold you to those commitments you listed. You’ve got a crew of talented folks here at the BTA who’re eager to work and relieved to have you aboard.”

You can read Rob’s blog post here.

These are interesting times for bicycling in Portland and I look forward to working with the BTA as we navigate through them.

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