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Sellwood Bridge task force set to choose preferred alternative

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The Community Task Force for the Sellwood Bridge project is set to meet on Monday (1/5) and the agenda will include a discussion and “possible recommendation” of a locally preferred alternative.

Here’s more from a press release sent out today by Multnomah County (they own and manage the bridge):

The task force will also hear presentations on public comments received about the project’s draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), results of a public survey about the preferred alternative, and a report on possible hybrids that combine elements of alternatives that were studied in the draft EIS. Five build alternatives and one no build option were analyzed in the draft EIS. The build alternatives include three bridge replacements and two rehabilitations of the existing bridge…

This month the task force will recommend its preferred alternative to the project’s Policy Advisory Group, comprised of elected and appointed officials. If the task force cannot reach consensus on a recommendation on Monday, a second meeting will be held January 19. On February 6 the Policy Advisory Group will consider the task force recommendation before making its own recommendation. The preferred alternative recommended by the Policy Group must be adopted by Multnomah County, the City of Portland and Metro before the Federal Highway Administration can issue a final approval.

The task force meeting is open to the public and will include time for public comment.

The Community Task Force for the Sellwood Bridge Project will meet on Monday, January 5 from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm at OMSI, 1945 SE Water Avenue.

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