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TV commercial uses bikes to promote downtown Portland

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

“The whole biking movement is really a part of who we are as a city…it was a no-brainer for us.”
— Chris Finks, executive director of the Downtown Marketing Initiative on why they chose to feature bicycles in their TV ad campaign.

As several Portlanders pedal peacefully down the middle of downtown streets (one of them with a child in a Dutch “bakfiets” cargo bike), the words, “Is Portland the most European city? Or is Europe the most Portlandian continent?” flash across the screen.

The commercial (watch it below) is part of the Downtown Marketing Initiative that was launched by Mayor Tom Potter back in 2006. The ad has already been shown locally on all the major TV networks and some cable channels and several readers have emailed and called me with excitement about it.

According to Chris Finks, executive director of the Downtown Marketing Initiative, the bike-themed ad is part of a $1 million promotional campaign to encourage folks to visit and shop in downtown Portland.

Asked why they decided to feature bicycles in the ad, Finks told me that he and his staff, “wanted to show something that featured the Portland psyche, which has a lot to do with alternative forms of transportation.” He also said that they feel the “whole biking movement is really a part of who we are as a city” and that, “it was a no-brainer for us.”

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Finks says the DMI spent about $175,000 to buy ad time for the commercial and that it’s one of several different ad spots produced by Portland-based agency, North. Of all the ads, Finks says he’s gotten the most feedback (all of it positive) on the bike-themed one.

One reader, Dave F., like it so much he got Finks to send it to him on DVD. Dave also couldn’t wait for it to be posted online, so he filmed it from his television and sent me the clip below. Here’s the ad (without sound and from a recording, see a larger version here):

Have you seen the ad? What do you think?

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