A coalition of organizations in Portland, Eugene, and Springfield will launch the “Eye to Eye campaign” with a press conference and events tomorrow morning.
Here’s a first look at the ad banner that will be appearing on TriMet buses and in print ads for the next few months:

According to a statement released by the BTA this afternoon, the Eye to Eye campaign is a:
“…multi-city campaign aimed at all road users to foster a culture of awareness and respect on our shared paths and roadways and to make the streets of our communities safer for everyone. Along with conveying greater awareness and respect, the Eye to Eye message will serve as a banner over information about specific actions road users can take to be safer.”
The statement also details that “Seeing Eye to Eye means,”:
— Looking for, seeing, making eye contact with, and communicating with other road users;
— Seeing each pedestrian, cyclist, and driver as the individuals they are: our neighbors, co-workers, friends, and fellow community members;
— Having empathy for other road users, trying to understand the experience of being in someone else’s shoes/bike saddle/driver’s seat.
— Recognizing what we as individual road users can do to keep our streets and paths safe for everyone.
The Eye to Eye campaign will consist of events, print and transit ads, Public Service Announcements (PSA), and information posted to a new website at SeeingEyetoEye.org (right now it forwards to the BTA’s website).
Among the events mentioned in the statement include Kidical Mass family rides, a crosswalk awareness action at Ladd Circle in Southeast Portland, a “bike light giveaway and education with the Portland Police Bureau”, safe biking workshops, and a commercial truck awareness event in coordination with the Portland Water Bureau.
Partners in the campaign in Eugene and Portland include The Brett Jarolimek Fund, The City of Eugene, The City of Portland, TriMet, Commuter Solutions, GEARS (Greater Eugene Area Riders), Portland Police, ODOT, and the Willamette Pedestrian Coalition.
Representatives from those groups will hold simultaneous press conferences in both cities tomorrow morning at 8:30am. Stay tuned for coverage from that event.