at last year’s Halloween race.
View slideshow below
(Photo © Jonathan Maus)
Traditionally, the Halloween edition of the Cross Crusade is two days of fun and partying. Last year’s race, full of costumes and silliness, was one of my favorite events of the year.
But this year, in light of recent events, things might be a bit different.
However, after reading the many remembrances of cyclocross enthusiast Brett Jarolimek, it’s clear that he lived and raced through life with a smile and spirit that I’m sure he’d want to continue on in his absence.
On Sunday we’ll be taking a ceremonial lap in remembrance of Brett. For a look at what else is planned for this weekend, check out CrossCrusade.com.
You can also get a feel for last year’s event by reading my race report or viewing the slideshow below from last year’s event. (The photos might help brighten your mood after such a sad week)…
Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
I’ll be making the trip up to Astoria with my family and I look forward to seeing some of you there.