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Bike boulevards “Top Rated” for funding in latest PDOT poll

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

A recent poll shows that 42% of Portlanders would be “Much more likely” to support a transportation funding package that includes more cash for bike boulevards.

As part of their ongoing effort to fix a major transportation funding shortfall, PDOT has just released results from their Transportation Services Funding Survey.

Here’s the very good news: Of all the potential components of the funding package, 42% of Portlanders said they would be “Much more likely” to support it if it included “Funding bike boulevards to reduce conflict between bicyclists and motorists.”

This survey was conducted by a third-party research firm and is a welcome result after a (very poorly worded) bicycle question polled near the bottom of funding priorities on an informal survey taken at a series of Town Halls back in July.

This level of support for bicycle boulevards is “a very big thing” according to one PDOT insider and should go a long way to convincing key decision makers that the time has come for more aggressive spending to create safe, bicycle-friendly streets.

The other three “Top Rated” components were; signal synchronization to improve congestion; signal synchronization to reduce auto emissions; and repairs to Willamette River bridges.

The 19-page survey was administered by research firm Davis, Hibbitts, and Midghall, Inc.

Download the PDF from the City’s website.

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