With an extensive bus and bike network, light rail, streetcars and even an aerial tram, Portland is frequently lauded for its transportation system (there’s even been a movie made about it).
But conditions outside the central city and close-in neighborhoods are much different. Roads in outer southeast Portland — especially busy SE 82nd Avenue — are in dire need of improvements and attention.
The good news is PDOT is already on the case. Their 82nd Avenue Safety Project is making an aggressive effort to deal with the safety problems on that busy corridor.
The bad news is they have a large task ahead of them.
Illustrating that point is a series of 11 photos taken by Victor Flaming of the project’s Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design task force. Flaming published the photos to the project website as a 10MB Word document.
I’ve rescued a few of them (from Word and from the PDOT website) for your enjoyment:

View the entire series here (links to a 10MB MS Word doc.).