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Hollywood Transit Center gets easier for bikes

Hollywood Transit Center gets some bike love
Wheel gutter, bike boulevard
markings are among improvements.
File Photo: 4/27/07

The Hollywood Transit Center, at the intersection of NE Halsey and 42nd (map), has gotten some bike love from the City of Portland.

The crucial north-south connection has long been a thorn in the side of cyclists trying to get over I-84. Southbound cyclists have been forced to contend with a TriMet bus stop loop and stairs leading up to a footbridge. The existing ramp was not designed for bicycles (but I think it’s fun!).

Thankfully, PDOT has just finished some upgrades. They have installed bike wheel gutters on the stairs and have added bike boulevard signs to help cyclists find their way.

Hollywood Transit Center gets some bike love
New wheel gutters.
Hollywood Transit Center gets some bike love

This is the first place I know of where bicycle boulevard markings (those white dots) have been placed on the sidewalk. From the looks of this photo, it might take some time before people realize this is a recommended bike route.

The markings have also been placed at regular intervals on the entire length of the bridge (see photo).

Hollywood Transit Center gets some bike love
Close-up of the wheel gutter.
File photo: 4/27/07

Bicycle Coordinator Roger Geller says they also plan to install a ramp to make it seamless for northbound cyclists to come off the stairs and ride into the bike lane in the transit center. I’ll snap photos of that and do a full report once it’s complete.

I also hope to get more information on how Geller wants us to go from NE 42nd, south across Halsey. I noticed a stencil for a bike symbol on the sidewalk ramp on the SE corner, but the recommended way to get there is not clear. My hunch is that we’ll be advised to cross the street and then use the crosswalk via the SW corner.

Check out all the photos for more details.

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