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Update on bike parking during bus mall project

Buffered Bike Lane with a bike symbol and arrow pointing forward

As many of you know, the downtown bus mall is currently under major re-construction. I’ve had several readers wonder what the plans are for bike parking, both during the upheaval and once it’s complete.

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TriMet recently announced their plans to add motorized vehicle parking, but what about bike parking?

I asked TriMet‘s Erik Hesse for an update. He said bike parking is “still being determined” but that Trimet is “looking to make bike connections and parking a major component of this project.”

Hesse added that the project is being managed by PDOT and their point person for bike parking is April Bertelson. She has put together a fact sheet that lists their objectives for the project as they pertain to bike parking:

April Bertelson at a Bus
Mall Project open house.
[File photo: 3/15/05]

According to the document, which is only “aspirational” at this point, the project budget includes $89,000 for long-term bicycle parking which is slated to be used for four lockers (fit two bikes each) at light rail (MAX) stations.

Bertelson says other “creative solutions” might include:

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And what about existing, short-term racks? Those will be replaced as close to the original location as possible.

For more info, download the Bus Mall Bike Parking fact sheet (PDF 144kb).

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