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Holiday bike drive spirit spreads to Lake Oswego

Portland must lead the world in giving free bikes to kids. I’ve heard about several efforts currently underway to take donated bicycles, recondition them, and gave them to low-income kids for Christmas.

The Community Cycling Center’s annual Holiday Bike Drive is the most well-known and this year they’re spreading the cheer far and wide.

BikePortland correspondent Aaron Tarfman recently made his way a few miles south of Portland to Lake Oswego, where the CCC worked with the Exchange Cycle Touring Club to collect used bikes. Here’s his report:

“Neal Armstrong from the CCC and Steven Kung from ECT were working hard with several other volunteers and employees to accept and prepare for transport a huge sea of bikes. The total number must have been well into the hundreds! It was really fulfilling to see all of these machines which would become future vehicles of change. We got bikes from all walks of life and folks were thrilled to help us out.”

Aaron adds that Neal could use lots more volunteer help as the event draws near. If you can spare some time this week, contact Neal at the CCC to lend a hand – neal [at] CommunityCyclingCenter [dot] org.

[See more photos from the Lake Oswego bike drive on Aaron’s Flickr photostream.]

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