[This Friday (8/4) from 7-9AM there will be a traffic safety education action at NW Lovejoy and 9th Ave.]
The intersection at NW 9th and Lovejoy (just west of the Broadway Bridge) is rife with traffic safety red flags; cyclists blowing the stop sign, cars turning without signaling, a senior home on the corner, cyclists going too fast on the sidewalk, and so on.
The City of Portland has received a steady stream of complaints about this intersection including several from a resident of the retirement home named Phil Staley. Phil was recently struck by a cyclist while in the crosswalk and to make matters worse, the cyclist didn’t even stop. Yep, a hit-and-run.
Luckily, Phil is a reasonable guy and he gets the big picture. I talked with him this morning and he said:
“I’m not really upset at cyclists in particular because I know there are bad apples in every bunch. Heck, even pedestrians can drive you crazy sometimes! I’d just like to see something get done about it. I see way too much dangerous behavior going on and so far there’s been no official response.”

At this point the City is considering requesting police enforcement but before they do, the community (that’s us) has been given the chance to make things right.
This Friday (8/4), from 7-9:00 AM there will be an education action to raise awareness of traffic safety concerns at NW 9th and Lovejoy. This event is being organized by a citizen volunteer and reps are expected to show up from Elders in Action and other community groups. There will be signs made up (make your own if you’d like) and literature to pass out.
The idea is that by getting out in the street and talking about solutions face-to-face we can solve this problem as a community, without official help from the city or the police.
Please consider joining us for this important event.