Photo: BTA]
Some very exciting news announced by Jessica Roberts of the Bicycle Transportation Alliance (BTA). A major new bike lane has been striped on Vancouver Ave., from Russell Street down to Broadway. This completes a “missing link” in the bike network that is part of the BTA’s larger goal of gaining bike access through the Rose Quarter Transit Center to the River and the Lloyd District.
Jeff Smith from the Portland Office of Transportation fast-tracked the planning and redesign and according to Jessica he had to act fast to make it happen:
“…on the day of the repave, Jeff received a call from the striping crew…’so we’re ready to strip two auto lanes, if you want a change better get it to us fast.’ That morning Jeff received final approval from the City’s Transportation Engineer; that afternoon bike lanes were hashed on the street!”
Now that’s what I call getting it done. This is a perfect example of something that would not have happened without the vigilance and advocacy of the BTA. I would sure feel guilty if I wasn’t already a BTA member (hint, hint)!