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Man who used his truck as a weapon convicted of murder

The section of SE Center Street in Eastport Plaza where Frederick Moore waited prior to killing Timothy Vincent.

A man who ran over and killed one person with his truck and then tried to run over a witness who was bicycling nearby, has been convicted of murder by a Multnomah County jury.

Frederick Moore killed Vincent Timothy with his truck on June 6th, 2022 outside of Eastport Plaza Shopping Center on SE 82nd and Center Street. Here’s what happened, according to a statement released this morning by the District Attorney’s office:

“Vincent Timothy [42 years old] was walking northbound on SE 82nd Street. Frederick Moore had already turned into the parking lot of Eastport Plaza. When Timothy emerged from behind some buildings, Moore moved his vehicle onto SE Center St and waited about 30 feet behind the stop sign. As Timothy began walking on the sidewalk near the truck, Moore quickly accelerated and struck Timothy, who was dragged under Moore’s GMC Canyon. Timothy sustained significant injuries. Moore continued to drive across the street, conducted a U-turn and returned now facing eastbound. Witness Todd Henderson saw the incident and began yelling at the driver that he had killed the man. Moore then accelerated and aimed the truck at Henderson. Henderson jumped out of the way, but his bicycle was run over by Moore’s truck. Moore conducted another U-Turn and exited his truck.  A citizen followed Moore’s vehicle and the license plate was relayed to 911. 


Portland Police Bureau Detectives quickly learned that the suspect vehicle was registered to Moore’s wife.  Detectives executed a search warrant on June 7, 2022 to seize the suspect truck.  Detectives noticed damage that corresponded to evidence left at the scene.” 

Vincent Timothy (Photo: Portland Police)

The jury convicted Moore of Manslaughter in the First Degree, two counts of Failure to Perform the Duties of a Driver, Attempted Murder in the Second Degree, and ttempted Assault in the First Degree.

Multnomah County Senior Deputy District Attorney Kristen Kyle-Castelli described Moore’s actions as “incredibly violent” and “shocking.” There’s still no known motive for Moore, but it’s notable that he was already a convicted murderer who finished a sentence for that crime in 2018. Moore remains in custody and faces a minimum sentence of 10 years in prison.

Shockingly, this was the second fatal hit-and-run crash involving a driver and vulnerable road user in Portland in less than 24 hours. The previous day, a driver hit a bicycle rider and dragged their bike under their car for a full block before stopping and then trying to escape. The driver was arrested shortly after.

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