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Major overhaul of SE 92nd and Lincoln in the works

(Source: PBOT)

The Portland Bureau of Transportation has partially completed a project they hope will improve the crossing of Southeast 92nd Avenue at Lincoln. Just north of SE Division, this “T” intersection is very wide due to a cut-out of one of the corners (was it a streetcar turnaround perhaps?). At its widest location there is 115-feet of pavement on this relatively residential, neighborhood street.

Thanks to the local gas tax increase and PBOT’s Fixing our Streets program, the agency is adding new pieces of sidewalk, medians, crosswalks, bike lanes, and more. One big impetus for the project was the role the intersection plays in connecting people to Harrison Park School. SE 92nd and Lincoln was flagged in a 2017 effort to identify safe routes to school projects.

Here’s the complete list of what we can expect (via PBOT):

  1. Build a segment of sidewalk and three new curb ramps on the NW and SW corners of the intersection 
  2. Mark crosswalks across SE Lincoln and SE 92nd Ave
  3. Build a concrete island in the SE 92nd Ave crosswalk to provide a waiting space for people walking
  4. Tighten turning radius to slow southbound vehicles turning right from SE 92nd onto SE Lincoln
  5. Separate automobile and bicycle travel lanes with concrete barriers
  6. Extend the east side bike lane through the intersection
  7. Adjust parking spaces by: removing six (6) legal parking spaces, but adding four (4) new legal parking spaces. This will be a total change of removing two (2).

New lane striping and pavement markings have been added, as have changes to parking spaces. PBOT plans to return in fall 2024 to complete other elements of the project.

Learn more about this project on PBOT’s website.

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