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Reminder: Wednesday is T-Shirt Night at Bike Happy Hour

(Photos: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)

I’m not sure what it is exactly about all my bike-related t-shirts, but I often just can’t bear to throw them away. Some were gifted to me by a person I respect. Some are from an event that I have fond memories of (and that I think will live on only if the shirt does). And others are just cool and inspirational. T-shirts can be more than just fabric and fashion. They’re cultural currency often shared and sold as a gesture of support and solidarity. They are subtle (or not) flags we fly to identify ourselves and attract similarly bike-minded future friends.

So let’s share our shirts! At this week’s Bike Happy Hour (tomorrow, Wednesday May 24th from 3-6 pm at Gorges Beer Co on SE Ankeny at 27th) I encourage everyone to wear their favorite bike tee and be ready to share why you like it, where it came from, and so on. If you have extras and want to swap, trade or give away to folks in need, bring those too!


If you are new to biking and want a bit of cultural camouflage, you can even show up without a bike shirt and we’ll get you sorted out.

So far I’ve got commitments from two local businesses — Biketown and Cyclepath Bike Shop — who plan to bring new shirts from their stockpiles to give away for free to Bike Happy Hourers. (If you are from a local bike company or organization and have shirts to share, bring them on by!)

So dig deep into your closet and let’s see what you’ve got. I can’t wait to see you and your shirt tomorrow!

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