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Podcast: PBOT and their search for a new leader

What do we want to see in the next leader of the Portland Bureau of Transportation?

Why is this hire so important for the agency?

What were previous PBOT directors like and why does that matter?

These are some of the questions my co-host Kiel Johnson and I had on the latest episode of our podcast.


Last week, Kiel messaged me and said, “What are your thoughts on the PBOT director position?” I get messages like that all the time from local transportation activists and insiders. Typically we end up having a good conversation on the phone or on the side of an event. But since I’ve had a more audio-oriented mindset with BikePortland, I’ve wanted to share these conversations with you. So I invited Kiel over to the Shed and we recorded it.

This episode is different than we’ve had in the past. It’s more of an informal chat. It’s really just two old friends talking about something they both care about a lot. Hope you enjoy eavesdropping! And if you have thoughts about what you’d like to see in the next PBOT director, let’s hear them. We hope candidates for the job — and maybe even the folks that will make the hire! — will read this post and listen to this episode.

Find this episode on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen.

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