The North Greeley Avenue bikeway project is just a few tiny tweaks away from being complete. Since our last visit back in May, the Portland Bureau of Transportation has finished the new protected path/bike lane on N Going Court to Going Street and has polished the main diagonal at Going that crosses riders from the west to east side of the street.
I went out a few days ago to get a closer look at the key elements of this project. In the ‘Bike Thru’ video above you’ll hear my live narration and get a better sense of how the designs work. You’ll hear about the wonderful and wide green section through the Adidas campus, the unfortunate bump that is now marked with a big sign, the highs-and-lows of the bike signals/crossings, and more.
To refresh your memory, this project was done in two parts: There’s the southern section from Going Street to just north of Interstate Avenue, where PBOT built a two-way bike lane protected from other lanes by a concrete wall (made out of jersey barriers); and the northern section (paid for by sports apparel company Adidas) which goes from the Going St viaduct to N Willamette.
As I say in the video, I think this is a huge step forward for our bike network. This connects the “true north” Portland to the inner eastside with a protected facility. It isn’t perfect by any stretch, but it’s a huge improvement over the unprotected lanes we used to have.
Have you ridden it yet? I’d love to hear how it’s working for you. I’m especially curious what folks think about the crossings — both the main one and the one to the Going Ct ramp.
— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and
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