At around 10:15 am this morning a man was nearly hit while walking across North Rosa Parks Way at Albina. According to a witness and video footage from a nearby business, the man was walking in the crosswalk northbound on Albina on the east side of the intersection. As he crossed the bike lane two drivers flew by at a very high rate of speed and went through the intersection against the red signal (they entered the bike lane because the general purpose lane was full of other cars).
As you can see in the video above, the drivers’ cars came just a few feet from the man’s body. A witness says people in the cars were shooting guns at each other. One of the drivers ended up veering off the road at the I-5 overcrossing just a few blocks west of where this video was taken. They slammed into a utility pole above I-5. Crews are on the scene now replacing the pole and power to signals in the area is out.
PPB confirmed a collision of two vehicles at Rosa Parks and N Missouri. “One of them left the roadway and struck a pole then ended up by the freeway… Officers were not able to determine that there had been a shooting,” said Lieutenant Greg Pashley.
— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and
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