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Transit feedback session planned for Metro’s transportation bond measure

Climate change activism group Sunrise PDX is hosting an info session tomorrow (6/17) on Metro’s Get Moving 2020 transportation funding bond measure.

It’s been easy to forget with the pandemic and protests dominating the news since March, but Metro still hopes to put this measure on the ballot in November. If all goes according to plan it will raise $3.1 billion for infrastructure projects, including $975 million for the new SW Corridor MAX light rail line.

“Now more than ever the intersectionality of environmental justice, racial justice and transportation justice is a major key in how our city proceeds with its priorities,” reads a description of the event. “Feedback about the anti-oppression and community engagement portions of this bond will be an especially important part of how we move forward.”

Sunrise will be joined by Getting There Together Coalition, a group of 50+ organizations that’s working to make sure investments are equitable and don’t result in displacement of low-income people.


Last week the Willamette Week reported that Metro’s latest polling shows the measure “is in trouble”. Support for the measure is trending downward as our region has suffered a major economic blow due to ongoing Covid-19 and related concerns.

Conditions on the ground have changed dramatically in recent months: Fewer people are commuting to commercial centers as work-from-home rates have skyrocketed; transit use is way down; and considerations about how people of color use streets has become the greatest concern of many in our community.

Sunrise PDX organizer Micah Bishop shared with BikePortland today that their group wants to expand engagement on critical issues like transit justice. “Our community members all have a right to understand and weigh in on great solutions to common economic and transit solutions like Youth Pass, Safe Routes to School, and anti-displacement programs.” Bishop added that tomorrow’s event is, “An opportunity for people to come together and discuss how they use transit, and how Portland transportation could function better in their lives.” “Everyone has the right to reliable, low-carbon transportation,” they continued.

If you’d like to join the session, fill out this brief form in order to receive a meeting registration link. Learn more about the event on the BikePortland Calendar.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and
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