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Earl Blumenauer Bridge will break ground next week

One week from today (11/7) the Portland Bureau of Transportation will break ground on a $13.7 million bridge over I-84. Dubbed the Congressman Earl Blumenauer Bicycle and Pedestrian Bridge (formerly known as the Sullivan’s Crossing Bridge), the project will connect the central eastside to the Lloyd via 7th Avenue.


Blumenauer riding in Washington County in 2012.
(Photo: J. Maus/BikePortland)

This bridge will be an essential link in our transportation network and will vastly improve safety and convenience over existing crossings at 12th Avenue and the Martin Luther King Jr/Grand Ave couplet. It lands in the Lloyd at 7th Avenue which is the start of PBOT’s Lloyd-to-Woodlawn Neighborhood Greenway project.

Congressman Blumenauer is a former City of Portland Commissioner who was in charge of PBOT in the 1990s. He’s credited with sparking Portland’s bike-friendly road engineering and planning and work done under his watch laid the groundwork for our big city cycling dominance that inspired many other places around the country.

Blumenauer is a frequent bicycle rider and regularly commutes in Washington D.C. as well as here in Portland whenever he gets the chance. I have a hunch he’ll be one of the first people to ride across this new bridge when it’s done. PBOT says bridge construction should be completed by the end of next year.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and
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