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The Monday Roundup: Paris-Brest-Paris, car blindness, BOD and more

This week’s Roundup is brought to you by the Tour de Lab, coming to a brewpub near you on September 1st.

Here are the most noteworthy items we came across in the past seven days…

Goals matter: Aaron Gordon argues on Jalopnik that Vision Zero is failing to stem the tide of cycling deaths in New York City because it focuses on people who die instead of getting more people to ride.

No duh: A new report from British MPs clarifies that the key to the future health of cities isn’t more high-tech cars, it’s more people using buses, bikes, and their own two feet.

Toy bikes good? The venerable “Bike Snob” does the unthinkable in his latest column: He defends department store bikes.

What’s Paris-Brest-Paris really like? PBP is a legendary 750-mile cycling event. Portlander Ryan Francesconi completed it this year and shared a poignant and captivating recap of his journey.

12,500 spaces: The city of Utrecht in The Netherlands has opened the world’s largest bicycle parking facility.


Tactical urbanism FTW: Toronto is finding out how effective and quick street changes can be when pilot projects are allowed to take hold.

BOD: A bike-friendly residential development in the Lloyd gets a nod in this Forbes article on the boom in bicycle oriented development.

Car blindness: Do you or someone you know suffer from car blindness? Please read this Medium post and seek help immediately.

E-bike revolution is here: OPB checked in on how the e-bike boom is playing out in Portland (and strangely referred to it as “micromobility” which I don’t usually associate bicycles with).

Why e-bike? “Riding grew harder as I grew older. Then I got an electric bicycle.” A NY Times opinion writer shared her story of electric bike enlightenment.

Gov Brown’s secret plan: Oregon Governor Kate Brown considered taking executive action to crack down on sources of GHG emissions — including stronger regulations on light-duty trucks — according to reporting from the Salem Reporter.

Free transit: I’m not sure what’s more intriguing; the fact that the entire country of Estonia adopted free public transit or the fact that The Economist thinks it’s a good idea.

Video of the Week: Hasan Minahj of Patriot Act explains why your transit sucks:
Why Your Public Transportation Sucks | Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj | Netflix

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and

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