The Governor-appointed body that oversees the Oregon Department of Transportation has a new leader.
ODOT announced today that Robert Van Brocklin will be chair of the Oregon Transportation Commission. Brocklin will fill the spot of current Chair Tammy Baney whose term ends August 31st.
Van Brocklin is a Portland resident who formerly worked as a managing partner for Stoel Rives LLP, Oregon’s largest law firm. He has also worked for the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation and was the Director of Government Affairs for the City of Portland. Van Brocklin joined the OTC in November 2017.
One of the many organizations Van Brocklin has been involved with is the Portland Business Alliance where he currently serves as a member of their Board of Directors.
In his current role as OTC Vice-Chair, Van Brocklin is leading the process to find a new director of ODOT. A selection is scheduled to be made by the end of August.
In a statement released today Van Brocklin said:
“I am grateful for the opportunity to chair the Commission. Working with the Governor, the Legislature, and our federal, state, regional, and local partners, I believe Oregon has the opportunity to develop the best transportation system in the country. Oregonians deserve an integrated system that allows for the efficient, safe and affordable movement of people, goods and services around our communities and throughout our state. I look forward to pursuing that goal.”
— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and
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