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It’s time to comment on final design plan for Gateway Green

The current design.

Yes Gateway Green has been open for nearly nine months now, but it’s still very much a work in progress. In the next few months the City of Portland will finalize the design plan and they want your help to make it as good as possible.

The final plan builds on concepts initially created by Friends of Gateway Green long before the first bike trails were built this past summer. Now with lessons learned from actual park use, the City wants feedback to: “guide natural area restoration, improve pedestrian and bicycle access to and within the site, expand opportunities for a variety of recreation and outdoor activities for people of all ages and abilities, and determine the location of water, power and sewer utility services.”


Click through the online design presentation then use the comment form to share your feedback. The comment period ends March 11th.

Once the final design is confirmed later next month, the park will close in the fall for construction and re-open in June 2019.

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and

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