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On street or level with sidewalk? Weigh in on future of NE Multnomah bikeway

The future of Multnomah in the Lloyd? Tell PBOT what you think.
(Images: PBOT)

As we reported last week, the Portland Bureau of Transportation is eager to make the Northeast Multnomah Street bikeway permanent.

In 2012 PBOT gave Multnomah a significant update in hopes that it would help aid redevelopment of the Lloyd District. They took an auto-only thoroughfare, added on-street auto parking (to help win over business owners) and built a protected bikeway (to honor an advisory committee’s support for making an adjacent street a major bikeway).

As the project got underway in late 2011, Portlanders were promised that the new street design would be “transformative” and “world-class”. In March 2012 former PBOT Director Tom Miller told us, “Who knows, in a couple years from now, this could be one of coolest streets in Portland.”

Over five years later the street still isn’t as safe and pleasant for cycling as it should be.

Thankfully it looks like PBOT has funding to make permanent changes that will help us come closer to achieving Multnomah’s potential (even though the street will still have four lanes for auto use). If you missed the recent open house, Go Lloyd (a city-funded transportation management association) put together an online version where you can view options and leave comments.

At this stage of the project PBOT has narrowed the design down to two concepts for the overall street cross-section and three options to deal with turning movements at intersections.

Keep in mind overall configuration of Multnomah — one standard lane, one bike lane and one parking lane in each direction — won’t change. The major difference will be a much wider bike lane.

Check out the options below and leave your comments at the Go Lloyd open house page

Street Section Option 1: Sidewalk Level Cycle Track


Street Section Option 2: Cycle Track with Raised Buffer

Instersection Option 1: Bicycle Signals

Intersection Option 2: Combined Lane

Floating Transit Stop

You can leave comments on each option — and leave open-ended comments at

— Jonathan Maus: (503) 706-8804, @jonathan_maus on Twitter and

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